Il me semble m'être jurée de faire un effort, éviter de tomber dans classique "machin trop grand + short ou leggings". Haha. Grillée.
Quelques bonnes nouvelles, je vous en ferai bientôt part ;)
Grosses bises et courage pour la reprise (même si ça fait déjà deux semaines)
I think I've sworn to me to make an effort, to avoid falling in the classic "oversized thing + shorts or leggings". Haha. Got me.
Some good news, will tell you about them soon ;)
Big kisses and good cheer for school/work (even if it's began 2 weeks ago)
I think I've sworn to me to make an effort, to avoid falling in the classic "oversized thing + shorts or leggings". Haha. Got me.
Some good news, will tell you about them soon ;)
Big kisses and good cheer for school/work (even if it's began 2 weeks ago)
Sur l'online store d'American Apparel, vous pouvez me retrouver ICI
Featured on American Apparel store HERE